Friday, 29 May 2009

A New Democratic Process - the follow-up to “A New Democratic Proposal”.

A New Democratic Process - the follow-up to “A New Democratic Proposal”.

In many countries, the battle for freedom and democracy is a hard, bloody struggle. People fight and die, are imprisoned, tortured and broken. In this country, the route to a free and direct democracy is open. There is no need for violent struggle, as all that we need is in place.

As a citizen of this great nation, I would like to suggest a process that we can use to achieve a true, working democracy in which we can all believe and trust.

The first part of the process consists of a period of national discussion. It began when the open letter - “A New Democratic Proposal” - was first mailed, and continues in this letter and in discussions in the press, on tv, in blogs and forums across the internet, and in homes and workplaces around the country.

We need to decide what we want from our government, from our democracy, and from our society. We need to decide on the structure of government - whether a concept such as an Independent Democratic Alliance as an official political party ready to hold office on behalf of the people of this country is something we wish to consider, or whether we would rather stick with party political politics and focus our energies on making it work.

We need to decide what powers to offer a governing democratic party, and to parliament itself; what procedures and technology will be used to ensure that all official activities are monitored, and the information speedily disseminated to the public; what activities and information need to be kept secret, why and for how long; what responsibilities will be offered to whom with regards to the military defence of this country in a time of emergency or crisis, when referenda would be a hindrance or a danger; what limits we will place upon ourselves in order to restrain militant or extremist elements within our society without taking civic freedoms away from us all.

These, and many other questions need to be discussed openly in advance of any further steps in the process, in order for us to appreciate our talents as a people, as well as our limitations and weaknesses. Social honesty is essential if we are to take our first steps on the road to becoming a politically-mature, self-governing democratic society.

The second part of the process, to be undertaken once we are sure that we are ready to face it, is preparation for a general election. This part of the process involves our direct participation as citizens in choosing candidates from those who wish to put themselves forward (or, should we wish to, putting ourselves forward for possible selection) to stand in a general election under the banner of the IDA.

Local and national media can be utilised to assist in the public selection of prospective candidates, using interviews and polls to educate and inform, making the final selection process as straightforward and as transparent as possible.

Each chosen candidate will be required to sign a contract binding them to a specific code of behaviour. They will be required to act only according to the wishes of the majority of their constituents, and to be transparent in their official duties, with all activities monitored for free and unfettered public scrutiny unless there are specific and justifiable reasons for withholding information. They will be legally-bound to act at all times according to the spirit as well as the letter of the evolving manifesto of the IDA.

The third part of the process is the general election itself. Once the people have chosen their candidates, they will be ready to call for an election. It is to be expected that the government in power at the time will wish for an election at the time of their choosing, so as to increase their chances of re-election, but it should be understood by them and by society at large that no election can ever be called free or fair if the power to decide on the timing of that election is held in the hands of any institution other than the electorate.

During the election, the IDA will, through its network of local candidates, continue to collect and collate the wishes, needs, requirements and demands of the constituents they hope to represent. The established political parties, however, will be forced to defend a system of government which relies on people choosing from a range of parties, each offering an entire manifesto of policies and promises which may or may not materialise.

The final part of the process is government itself. On achieving victory in a general election the IDA will have to work quickly to ensure the mechanisms are put in place to allow the electorate to monitor and control the political process. By instituting a culture of transparency, by accepting responsibility and culpability, and by treating the people of this nation with respect, the IDA will be able to earn the trust necessary to begin creating a new democracy, hand-in-hand with the sixty million citizens of the United Kingdom.

For the benefit of all, let democracy advance.

Jai Gomer, citizen.

This open letter is being sent to every MP and political party in the UK, and also to a wide range of media outlets.

For further information, visit : or find “A New Democracy” on Facebook.

If you have any questions, queries or suggestions, please contact me at :

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